Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Episode 4. Let's go really fucking fast!!!

       This week Honest Abe is at the handle, giving us a taste of a day in Abe's San Franciscan fixed
gear life style. I truly believe that there is a song for every moment. I think Abe has really done a good job of conveying the feeling of the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you mash through the streets; weaving in and out of traffic.
A red light. Brake. Breathe the fire out of your lungs. Awareness at a high; the beat fits matches your heart's.
       Green. Kick, push, mash. The city, she welcomes you. Raise from your seat to climb her bosom. As you reach the peak, the expanse of the horizon opens before you. Front wheel drops, speed increases. The day is young and you have not yet begun.

                                                         -Crayola Johnson


  1. What is the song at the 10:55 mark? It makes me want to sneak around like Solid Snake.
